PinnedPublished inTDS ArchiveDeep Q-Learning Tutorial: minDQNA Practical Guide to Deep Q-NetworksNov 18, 20207Nov 18, 20207
Neural Style Transfer GuideNeural Style Transfer is a technique that applies the Style of 1 image to the content of another image. It’s a generative algorithm meaning…Mar 5, 2022Mar 5, 2022
Published inTDS ArchiveAdvantage Actor Critic Tutorial: minA2CAn Introduction to the Advantage Actor Critic AlgorithmJan 22, 20211Jan 22, 20211
Published inThe StartupPolicy Gradient Takeaways and Curiosity Driven LearningWhat is Reinforcement Learning?Sep 25, 2020Sep 25, 2020
Published inAnalytics VidhyaWhy to Optimize with MomentumIn this post, we’ll explain what Momentum is and why Momentum is a simple and easy improvement upon Stochastic Gradient Descent. We also…Oct 6, 20191Oct 6, 20191
What’s the difference between the Sigmoid and Softmax activation functions?Logistic Regression is a standard technique used for Classification problems. In Logistic Regression, a Sigmoid or Softmax function is…Jun 1, 2019Jun 1, 2019
DepthWise Separable Convolutions for Image ClassificationDepthWise Separable ConvolutionsMay 7, 2019May 7, 2019
Image Classification with Fashion MNISTWe’ll demonstrate all the working parts of an Image Classification NetworkApr 14, 2019Apr 14, 2019